Monday, November 22, 2010

audience participation

So now that the last and (supposedly) final Harry Potter movie is out, I am contemplating reading the books. I read the first one maybe three years ago and wasn't impressed enough to read any more. I have also not more than a few of the trailers of any of the movies so I feel like I have the unique ability to go into the entire series somewhat blind. (I am not even positive how many books there are) After the last year of "reading with intention" I feel like I did a pretty good job of reading books that were mostly literarily (no, not actually a word) stimulating instead of guilty pleasure reads (although there were a few of those as well). Children's/ Young Adult fantasy is my closet guilty pleasure. That being said... dare I undertake such a colossal commitment as the Harry Potter Series? For those of you who have read some or all or even watched the movies- let me know!

Avery- I don't know that you have to bother with your opinion =)

And just because I love reading...


Kari Riley said...

it took me a little bit to even see evelyn in the mix. : )

Avery said...

hahaha Jessye! Thanks for the shout out ;)

READ THEM! I honestly think they have literary merit. For an author to have enough control over a story to span a seven book series is pretty impressive. I could go on and on...but I won't :) But them, and then we can talk about them!

And by the way, there's another movie coming out...part 2 of the finale!

Laurel said...

totally read them! they won't blow your mind with their depth and literaryness but they are entertaining. If anything, it will keep you from having to find a new book to read for awhile. I wouldn't really bother with the movies, especially the first 2.

Anonymous said...

Don't do it! Nothing good will come of it!

Deanna said...

I haven't read any of them... for no particular reason. Ben has read them all and enjoys picking one up as a nice break from his normal reading material. He thinks the later books are better if that's any help.