Sunday, August 14, 2011


I had basically written off this blog. I felt like there was nothing in my life worth writing about (not that my kids aren't but you know) and that no one cared. Now I am a stay at home mom again and I remember why I started the blog in the first place... It was an opportunity to get my words and thoughts out. Sean Watkins says "words can starve to death if they never leave the page" well I am remembering that they can also starve to death if they never leave your head. I am home all day with small children, I have no friends and my wonderful, amazing husband is doing homework most of every evening which means I have no way to get my thoughts, feelings or even just simple words out of my head. So here it goes... I should rename my blog to word vomit. "Saemenes Four" isn't applicable anymore anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't blog much either lately, but I do read. And I come read and leave here every once in awhile!!!

Word vomit sounds pleasant!