Friday, December 16, 2011

Just another day...

All is good and peaceful in The Saemenes Household... in my dreams. That is if I had been allowed enough time to dream in between my four year old waking me up to tell me her elf (on the shelf) was "boring her," my two year old waking up needing her pacifier and my baby needing to eat. In reality, my bathroom doesn't have a wall or a shower head and more than once today I have had three screaming girls crammed on my lap. At another time I had my lunch burning on the stove, a screaming baby in bed and a turd rolling out of another kid's pants.

I haven't showered since Tuesday and it is Friday. My bathroom looks like you need a hard hat, my house looks like a war-zone and my kitchen looks like a deranged frenchman with a clever was chasing a runaway crustacean through it. I am tired and stinky and it will take all my self- control not to break open that half gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream in my freezer and put myself in a sugar induced state of comadic (yes, I did just make that word up) bliss.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Oh Jessye! I so wish I could come help in some way! Go ahead and break that tub open - that's what I'd do!