Tuesday, September 29, 2009

amusing anecdote

I really don't know how to work the blog page yet. It is a little pathetic.

So, last night at dinner, Elie got up from the table with a bowl full of spaghetti on the table. Nick asked her if her bowl was empty- to which she promptly replied "yes." Nick, knowing the bowl was not empty told her to go look at her bowl again and tell him if there were noodles in it. She looked in the bowl, came and whispered "I love you" in my ear and then told Nick "nope, no noodles." Fully aware that we were being manipulated, Nick said "Elie this is your last chance, go look in your bowl and tell me if you see any noodles. I want you to tell me the truth this time." He then asked, "Do you know what the truth is?" To that she responded "yep it is right here in my bowl with the noodles." We have no hope for ourselves.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What would Jesus do?

We have a rule at the dinner table that Elie needs to sit on her bottom or her knees while she is eating. Today, she stood up on her chair. I reminded her of the rule. She looked at me and said "But Jesus stood up."

How do you respond to that?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Up to the Atmosphere up where the air is clear....

this is a conversation i had with my wonderful daughter today-

(keep in mind that we are both wearing hats and scarves)

"come on mom lets go to the emfophere (atmostphere)" (so she grabs the stroller with Tallullah and I grab the crib full of the stuff we "packed")
"It isn't Mary Poppin's emfophere it is our own. We borrowed it from Mary Poppins it was on a shelf, but the shelf was too high so I had to get a big stool to reach it. So come over here so we can unlock the emfophere and step in. (she then pulls out my trivet which apparently is a really big key to open up the atmosphere we borrowed from Mary Poppins.)
So then we jumped in and entered into the emfophere and had a grand old time.

That is what I do all day. Hard to keep up sometimes.

This is what happens when you leave a two year old with an imagination to wash her hands by herself. "but momma the soap and towel needed a bath!"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bad Mom Day

First official blog post and I am going to confess about my bad mom day. Elie watched two movies today (one in the morning while I kept sleeping and one in the afternoon because she doesn't nap! How else am I supposed to get some sanity time?) I also baked cookies today. I ate dough. I also enjoyed it. I am even destroying my unborn child. I suck. The worst part is- I don't feel bad about any of it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Well, everyone else is doing it.