Friday, September 18, 2009

Up to the Atmosphere up where the air is clear....

this is a conversation i had with my wonderful daughter today-

(keep in mind that we are both wearing hats and scarves)

"come on mom lets go to the emfophere (atmostphere)" (so she grabs the stroller with Tallullah and I grab the crib full of the stuff we "packed")
"It isn't Mary Poppin's emfophere it is our own. We borrowed it from Mary Poppins it was on a shelf, but the shelf was too high so I had to get a big stool to reach it. So come over here so we can unlock the emfophere and step in. (she then pulls out my trivet which apparently is a really big key to open up the atmosphere we borrowed from Mary Poppins.)
So then we jumped in and entered into the emfophere and had a grand old time.

That is what I do all day. Hard to keep up sometimes.

This is what happens when you leave a two year old with an imagination to wash her hands by herself. "but momma the soap and towel needed a bath!"

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