Wednesday, December 9, 2009

sleep myths

I read the other day on one of my baby development emails that one of the biggest mistakes parents make when trying to get their babies to sleep is by providing constant motion. According to the article, babies do not enter deep sleep when they are in constant motion so it is better to lay your baby down in a crib or turn off the swing to let them sleep. At first, I thought "wow, I am setting my kid up for disaster" and attempted to put her down today. Then I decided they didn't know what they were talking about. I have NEVER known a baby that didn't sleep better when they were being rocked, or held. That's why rocking chairs exist. That is why babies fall asleep in car seats, strollers and slings. So now I am slightly peeved at this article and am contemplating writing them a strongly worded letter. (I think this will be as far as I get though) I do wish she would sleep in her bed during the day though...

1 comment:

Kari Riley said...

she'll get there. Remember she is only a month. and that is the stupidest things I have ever heard. Obviously that person didn't have a kid of their own.