Monday, December 28, 2009

What I didn't get for Christmas...

As a family, we worked hard this year to keep in mind the spirit of the season. "Gifts" are not my love language, so it is not difficult for me to maintain the real focus of Christmas. Now that Christmas is over however, I am going to take a few minutes to be materialistic and list off what I want. (I feel like I am ok doing this since I fully recognize that none of these things will leave me fulfilled)
  • My own house
  • A house on lots of land (a backyard!)
  • A horse or two
  • A library
  • A room devoted entirely to crafts and sewing (I might sew more often if I didn't have to spend the time taking my machine out and putting it away every time)
  • A maid whose duties would include folding clothes, cleaning bathrooms and floors, and thinking of something to make for dinner every night (and occasionally cooking them)
  • A pool, actually two pools one inside and one outside so I could swim every day and stay in shape during the winter
  • An orchard
My birthday is in June if anyone wants to make my dreams come true...

1 comment:

Kari Riley said...

I want all of those things too! except for the library... I don't really need or want one of those. I wish I could get some of those things for you. Maybe when we win the lottery....