Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Setting out

It is time for a new adventure for our little family. At the end of August we are moving to Portland. I was offered a part time job in Aurora as a Basic Skills Teacher in a tiny classroom, in a tiny school, in a tiny district, in a tiny little city. I have not fully processed the idea of working again- let alone as a teacher (something I said I would NEVER do). I have a big test that I have to take before I can begin teaching so please be praying that I can pass that! It is on August 7th and it basically covers anything a kindergartner - 5th grader would learn.

It has been an extremely difficult decision to get us where we are. I applied for the job on a whim and never anticipated I would actually be offered the position or the implications for our family. From the beginning, we could not deny the hand God has had in the entire situation. We are still seeing him working out details. Nick will continue to work at Corban while he finishes school. His boss has okayed him working from home one day a week with the potential of more. (!!!!) We are *temporarily* moving in with my parents while we save some moolah to hopefully buy a house. We have NO idea where we will be come June. My position is temporary- I am job sharing and my coworker's part time leave of absence can only be approved on a year to year basis. And Nick will be finished with school next fall. There is a lot of variables and unknowns in our future. I feel like Nicks and my 6 year marriage has been in a constant state of transition and I am anxiously awaiting some stability. As always, prayers are appreciated!

The school I will be working at starting August 30th.

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