Tuesday, August 10, 2010

On Self-Control

I have none. Not an ounce. I seriously should been enrolled in Karate when I was a kid to teach me some self discipline. If there are cookies/pie/chocolate anywhere in the vicinity I will eat them until they are gone. I frequently have been known to stay up all night reading until the book is finished. The whole time I tell myself "I need to stop" and yet I can rarely actually bring myself to do it. I am simply hopeless...


Our great adventure said...

obviously, me too. Im wrestling with dessert or no dessert for saturday. Maybe dessert, but only if we throw left overs away.............or you have to take it home

-Meg- said...

Why do you think I'm not allowed to go to the library during the semester?? Too many fun books.....

Laurel said...

that doesn't sound like lack of control to me.. it sounds like having good priorities. =)