Wednesday, September 22, 2010

what we have been up to

We have sort of settled into a schedule. I can't believe I have already had my classroom for two weeks. The kids are not quite as difficult as I expected... most of the time. My coteacher is nice and so far we are getting along pretty well.

Here are a few highlights from the last few weeks:

Elie found a baby hawk in our back yard. My dad caught it and it spent the night in a box in the garage recuperating before flying away.

This is one of the Zucchini's from our garden. So we've made a few batches of zucchini bread/cake/muffins.

These are our lemon cucumbers. They are hard to peel but yummy.

Sweet Lainey Kate is growing and sweet as ever. She is very nearly walking and could definitely be walking if she believed it. She is also babbling constantly and says "momma" "daddy" "Elie" "hi" and has just started saying "baby." She also started throwing temper tantrums this week.

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