Thursday, April 8, 2010


Easter was very laid back this year. We are still trying to figure out our own family traditions. Easter is different from the other holidays because all of our extended families are involved in their own churches and Dox has stuff going on too. So we are on our own for Easter. I was sad not to get to weed with Dox this year (I love to weed!) it would have been too hard to try and do it with Lainey attached to me. After the service, we had Lamb with the Rileys and I made my first cheesecake -double chocolate cherry and it was amazing! (if I do say so myself.)

We dyed easter eggs with Kool-Aid. Vinegar free!

Aunt Sa (nick's oldest sister) works for a kid's store downtown Albany and her fiance was coerced into dressing like the Easter bunny. Elie would not go near him, but after a while she warmed up enough to dress up herself.

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