Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Green Thumb?

I have been growing increasingly tired of apartment life. Sure, there are positives; no utilities, cheap living, free work out equipment, but I want some land! Kari- there is a Far and Away quote lingering in the back of my mind that would fit here nicely but I can't remember what it is. Anyway... This weekend Elie and I went out and bought a few starters to make our own little concrete garden. Thanks to my father in law (who never throws ANYTHING away) we inherited a few planter boxes which we put to good use. We planted string beans, pear tomatoes, bell peppers, basil, cilantro and lots and lots of strawberries! I am so excited to eat the "fruits" of my labor (ha ha). Luckily, I have an extremely responsible daughter with an incredible memory (I compared her with an elephant in my previous post) the plants will never go without water- something that would likely happen if it was left solely to me.

*And yes, that is our Easter Cross holding up the planter boxes. The earlier comment that I lovingly made about my father in law also applies to my husband. And the tree has been out there since CHRISTMAS because there would be a use for it. To give him credit, it has been a Christmas tree, Easter Cross and now a planter box support thingy so I guess there is SOME value in keeping things past their apparent usefulness-although don't tell him I said that.


Deanna said...

I know exactly what you mean about wanting some land and fresh garden veggies of my own!

Kari Riley said...

we need to watch that movie sometime. It's been awhile.