Friday, October 9, 2009

Death by Target

Now that we live in Albany, Elie and I have been frequenting Target. It is a nice outing for us and it is good timing (or bad depending on how you look at it) since it is the changing of seasons and new clothes are needed. Target clothes are so cheap that is difficult not to buy more than she needs. Especially since she has become quite the shopper. She loves clothes. Yesterday, Elie grabbed a pink sparkly belt and gushed "oh momma it is SO beautiful and bright. Please may I have it?" (yes, she actually said may) It is so hard not to buy her everything she wants when she talks like that. When I actually break down and buy her something (i.e. the cute $10 dollar dress in the pic) she can't wait to wear it and is so excited about it. When she put this one on this morning she said to me "thank you momma, I love it so much. It is so cute." This next kid had better be a boy.

spinning in her new dress

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